Agumbe, known as the "Cherrapunji of the South," is a picturesque village in Karnataka, India. It's famed for its lush rainforests, misty landscapes, and being the home of the iconic King Cobra. This serene destination offers a unique blend of biodiversity, nature's beauty, and tranquility.
Agumbe invites travelers to immerse in its rainforest beauty. With its unique attractions, abundant biodiversity, and the mystique of the King Cobra's habitat, it's a destination for nature enthusiasts seeking a tranquil and immersive experience.
The best time to visit Agumbe is from October to February when the weather is pleasant for outdoor activities and exploration.
The nearest airport is Mangalore International Airport, approximately 105 km away.
The nearest railway station is Udupi Railway Station, followed by a road journey.
Agumbe is well-connected by road from nearby towns and cities. Buses and taxis are available for travel, providing scenic routes through the Western Ghats.
A scenic road winding through rainforests, offering breathtaking views.
A haven for researchers studying biodiversity and conservation.
Witness mesmerizing sunsets over the lush valleys from this vantage point.
A tranquil waterfall nestled in the heart of the forest.
An ancient Jain pilgrimage spot with panoramic views and a unique rock formation.
Enjoy sweeping vistas of the surrounding hills and forests.
A hidden gem cascading down rocky formations.
Reachable via a challenging trek, it's a stunning hidden waterfall.
A historic temple with intricate carvings, nestled in greenery.
Karnataka's highest waterfall, set amidst dense forests.